Remote Ruby
Three Rubyists having conversations and interviewing others about Ruby and web development.
Remote Ruby
Railsconf and Tech Debt
In this episode, Jason and Chris chat about their experiences at various RailsConf and
RubyConf’s. Then, they have deeper discussions on topics like transitioning from Single
Table Inheritance (STI) to delegated types in coding, addressing technical debts in
product development, and the challenges and strategies of implementing subscription
and one-time payment models. Additionally, there's a mention of the 2024 Ruby on
Rails Community Survey at Planet Argon that you can check out now. Hit download now
to hear more!
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[00:00:32] Jason and Chris start by discussing Andrew’s hiking trip in the Grand
Canyon. They mentions his location updates and other travel-related details including
Amtrak train routes and pricing.
[00:02:54] The conversation shifts to Chris talking about the recent RailsConf and
changes in lunch options at the conference; he noted a heavier vegetarian option which
created long lines for meat.
[00:06:16] Jason and Chris express concerns about ticket availability for future
conferences and the potential growth of RubyConf.
[00:09:54] They discuss the importance of smaller, regional conferences, and how they
foster community. They stress the value of welcoming new members to these events
and ensuring everyone feels included.
[00:14:06] Jason and Chris discuss the Rails community survey. Jason mentions it’s the
“biennial” survey, which means the survey happens every two years.
[00:15:48] They elaborate on the importance of the survey, emphasizing its role in
providing a comprehensive view of the Rails community.
[00:16:27] Jason mentions a new feature release related to blogging at Podia, and then
the conversation shifts to technical discussions about software development at Podia,
including challenges with Single Table Inheritance (STI) and transitioning to delegated
types to better manage product types and features.
[00:20:10] Chris and Jason dive deeper into technical debt, discussing the complexities
of managing team plans and subscription quantities. They also touch on providing
discounts and adjusting prices based on user location or needs. Chris recalls a
situation with a past service provider increasing prices dramatically after cutting a
legacy free plan.
[00:28:41] Jason and Chris reflect on past decisions regarding using Single Table
Inheritance (STI) versus delegated types in their software architectures.
[00:30:02] Chris provides a detailed explanation of STI and delegated types, using
Basecamp as an example to illustrate how STI groups different types under one table,
which can become problematic as differences between types grow. They discuss the
flexibility and organizational benefits of using delegated types for clearer separation of
[00:34:17] The conversation continues with software architecture challenges and
solutions, touching on integration strategies for various services in a hypothetical
application. Chris emphasizes the importance of planning and building abstraction
layers early to avoid complicated refactoring later.
[00:38:39] Jason talks about the shift from subscriptions to one-time payments in his
application, discussing the trade-offs and long-term financial planning. Chris reflects on
potential business models, considering a mix of one-time payments, subscriptions, and
consulting services to accommodate different types of users and usage scenarios.
[00:42:02] Jason discusses a new business strategy influenced by Kyle’s advice on
addressing customer concerns about ongoing costs. Chris contrasts the difference
between buying a course (one-time payment) and subscribing to a service like GoRails,
and the business implications of different pricing models.
[00:47:24] The conversation wraps up with a reminder to do the Rails survey and Chris
mentions his upcoming birthday and the transition to a new age bracket.
Jason Charnes
Chris Oliver
Jason Charnes X/Twitter
Chris Oliver X/Twitter
Andrew Mason X/Twitter
2024 Ruby on Rails Community Survey (Planet Argon)
Ruby Conferences 2024
Ruby for All Podcast