Remote Ruby

Tailwind UI, Hanami::API, Puma security fixes, and more

March 06, 2020 Jason Charnes, Chris Oliver, Andrew Mason Episode 68
Remote Ruby
Tailwind UI, Hanami::API, Puma security fixes, and more
Show Notes

[00:02:13] The guys talk about how Ruby is 27 years old and Rails is 16 years old and how Yukihiro “Matz” Matsumoto is still involved with Ruby since the beginning. 

[00:03:28] Chris mentions using Python, but Ruby being more flexible and the philosophy of Matz making Ruby so special.  

[00:06:45] Jason asks the guys if anything cool is going on. Tailwinds UI is mentioned which leads into Adam Wathan’s tweet about it.  


[00:12:04] Listen here to see if Jason likes working on Front End code. Also, the guys discuss how they had AMAZING designers at their jobs and how they helped them.

[00:20:21] Out of Hanami World came Hanami API this week. What is Hanami and why does Jason love it? He explains what it’s really good at doing.

[00:32:09] Andrew chimes in about the most frustrating thing he’s ever had to do and Chris talks about his nightmare projects.


[00:33:20 Speaking of no fun, Andrew asks the guys if either of them has run into invalid authenticity token errors with Devise that they couldn’t resolve. 

[00:38:02] Puma is brought up and why it’s Chris’s favorite and Richard Schneeman and Evan Phoenix get a shout out from Andrew. 

[00:39:45] Andrew had a blog post published this week in Ruby Weekly about setting up VS Code for Rails Development and Chris dove into Shrine and rebuilt a Rails app called

[00:45:29] RailsConf and MicroConf are mentioned as they are both coming up in the next couple of months. 

[00:47:48] Jason joyfully mentions he released a Ruby Gem this week called, “Andrew Says.”  

[00:50:31] Chris chimes in to say one of his favorite gems is Gem Install Rails.   


Jason Charnes

Andrew Mason

Chris Oliver


Ruby Weekly Hanami API

Yukihiro “Matz” Matsumoto Twitter

Tailwind UI

Adam Wathan Twitter




Richard Schneeman

Evan Phoenix Twitter

Jason Charnes (Andrew_Says)

RailsConf 2020

MicroConf 2020