Remote Ruby

Chain Smoking for Vaccines, Delegated Types, and Creating Courses

March 19, 2021 Jason Charnes, Chris Oliver, Andrew Mason Episode 121
Remote Ruby
Chain Smoking for Vaccines, Delegated Types, and Creating Courses
Show Notes

[00:01:00] The guys chat about what happened this week in their lives, getting COVID vaccines, and Chris trying to get a title transferred on an old car.

[00:10:57] Andrew poses a question to Jason and Chris which has to do with Delegated Types. Chris and Jason have a discussion about using it.

[00:17:13] Chris mentions pagination being a problem and how querying and then merging could work. After having the discussion, Andrew says it all makes sense to him.


[00:22:14] Jason tells us about a pretty gnarly JSONB data migration he had to write this week.


[00:24:16] Chris tells us he got his RailsConf talk approved and what it’s about.

[00:26:19] Andrew asks the guys for advice on what their process is on building a course because he started to make a VS course for Rails and he’s trying to figure out a system. Is it a HAML course?

[00:32:46 Andrew asks Jason’s advice about the right time to register for Podia.

[00:38:21] Since Andrew is in the process of making his course, Jason tells Andrew since he’s a VS code user, he would love to see something tailored towards Ruby developers.


Jason Charnes

Chris Oliver

Andrew Mason



Job Openings:


Spectora-Full Stack Developer (Ruby on Rails/JavaScript) Wanted


Active Record-Delegated Types

Giphy-Achievement Hunter

RailsConf 2021

Chris' Railsconf talk