Remote Ruby

Bridgetown, APIStruct, Hashie, and generating PDF forms in Rails

December 04, 2020 Jason Charnes, Chris Oliver, Andrew Mason Episode 105
Remote Ruby
Bridgetown, APIStruct, Hashie, and generating PDF forms in Rails
Show Notes

[00:05:05] What’s new in Ruby and Rails Land?  Andrew announces RubyConf 2020 (virtual) is next week.

[00:09:20] Jason spun up a Bridgetown site with Tailwind and said it was fun. Andrew says he’s been playing around with it a lot this week and made a short video on how to add Tailwind, and he went full hog into Snowpack again.


[00:10:12] Jason asks Andrew if he ever gut the Webpack setup in Bridgetown and replace it with a Snowpack setup. Andrew talks about the video he made (link below). Jason mentions how he found it really easy to deploy Bridgetown on Netlify and he’s excited to expand on it.


[00:15:24] Andrew tells us the one thing with setting up Bridgetown and the way Tailwinds auto purge works is very “funky monkey” when you try to mix it in with Webpack, which is why Snowpack is a lot easier. Jason mentions Headless UI being awesome. Chris tells us he uses a mixture of the Stimulus Controllers that he’s written and the old Alpine.js, Tailwind UI stuff on GoRails.


[00:21:16] Jason tells us somebody was talking about Bootstrap on Hacker News the other day because Alpha 3 of Version 5 came out.

[00:22:25] Andrew lets us know if you’re trying to build an API client gem for something there’s a gem called ApiStruct.  He also talks about another gem called Hashie, which is also nice. 

[00:29:16] Chris talks about cleaning up an app that he inherited that’s over nine years old, and there’s a lot of baggage in a library like that.

[00:38:16] Jason talks about how he generated PDF’s the other day. He also tells us how he had trouble getting Webpack to render his assets into Wicked PDF.  Also, he mentions a great gem he found called PrawnRailsForms that look like forms from the IRS. 


Jason Charnes

Andrew Mason

Chris Oliver




Headless UI


“How to use Tailwind CSS with BridgetownRB”-By Andrew Mason (YouTube) 



Wicked PDF


RubyConf 2020

Hacker News “Bootstrap 5 Alpha 3”

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